i’ve been sick for the past 2 weeks with a cold. i was laying down listening to a “sleepy game music” playlist. with every different song as my eyes were closed i kept imagining vivid dreamscapes, and the one that i remember most was of a red pyramid, it looked so cool, a huge red 3D pyramid that felt like it fit in a 90s cyberpunk aesthetic.
so now that we are in an age of accelerated learning through LLMs, i’ve decided to build a dungeon crawling game primarily using LWJGL in kotlin.
it’s called red pyramid, after the dream i had. in only a few days, i’ve managed to build the movement, map generation, and minimap features. i’ve also had some fun learning how to make sound effects, with a few simple ones in audacity. i’ve purchased a synth for music/sound effect editing that i aim to learn to make more advanced sounds for the game, and for other ventures.
you can see some screenshots of what i have so far below. i will be keeping the repository for this private, as it could eventually become a full scale game that i would have interest in releasing as an indie title